Friday, 14 November 2014

Fire, Fire, Fireworks II

Another photo from the fireworks display.  It was taken in the aftermath of some really nice swirly fireworks I hadn't seen before but I failed to get any pictures of them myself.  My dad got some nice ones on his smartphone, which does go to show it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have, you can still get good photos.  

I was really happy with the composition of this picture because I'd been aiming for something like it the whole night, and I like the way the fireworks come up from the bottom like a bunch of flowers.  The settings are the same as the previous photo (ISO-100, F/16, 4/100) and I also edited it in iPhoto.

I started with boosting it twice and increasing the contrast to let the red stand out more against the sky and I changed the definition to 40 to make the fireworks clearer and to get rid of some of the smoke, although I do like how it looks in this photo.  I then moved the temperature all the way to 100, because I thought the photo would benefit from having a warmer feel to it.  I'm really happy with how much of the smoke I managed to edit out of the picture as I think it looks better and more contrasting this way.

The colours remind me of the neon red and black of The Academy Is....'s album cover for Santi - never a bad thing - and I like how the fireworks seem to range in height.  All in all, I'm fairly pleased with this photograph, especially since my hands didn't shake the camera as much as with some of the others and I actually got the photo I'd wanted.

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